Saturday, November 24, 2012

Let Us Manage Ourselves

St. Paul in Prison

Hawaiian libertarian, who never fails to deliver, argues convincingly and still generously, once again, that critical thinking and right personal behaviors, not political group think no matter how valiant the cause, is what will effect the change we all hope for.  And even if universal change never transpires, they are the better way to live.

Profound statement of the week, from Keoni Galt:

Let us manage ourselves the best we can, to find the ways and means to live life as best we can...


Monday, November 19, 2012

This is so good, and a serious and thoughtful way to begin Thanksgiving week.

h/t Alte

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


I've started a blog roll of my favorite writers - the topics run the gamut, as do the styles of the authors.  Read at your own risk, but remember that risk is often worthwhile. 

Happy Wednesday!

Sunday, November 11, 2012


Sundays seem like good days for links, to relax and enjoy (or get worked up and frothy?) poring over different corners of the virtual world.

I'm praying today for our veterans.  Thanks to each of you who has served the mission of keeping our nation safe.  Our political landscape is rocky, but we decide, at least in some measure, with our voices rather than gunfire who will lead us.  Our children are not hungry and our civility has not left us.  These are imperfect substitutes for freedom, but considering that an empty stomach is a terribly poor political adviser, I am still cautiously hopeful about the ultimate fate of our country.


(you'll be reading this again as the PG blogroll develops)

Not every voice you'll encounter here is a tame one.  Insightful writers, all, but many are generally not all that concerned with your feelings and even less so with political correctness.  Some are Christian or otherwise believers, some aren't writing on the topic of faith or faith related matters at all but perhaps food or health or politics, some are misanthropes and some are out and out heretics - occasionally they're all of the above.  They are our brothers and sisters, yet, so read with open eyes, open heart, and thick skin.  It is worth it. 

Beyond the Breaking Point.......Keoni Galt
Fresh Oyster Soup......Free the Animal
Screwtape on Democracy.......Elspeth
Why I Still Vote......Alte
Happy Birthday, Dorothy Day!.......The Anchoress
The Perilous Call of Christ......Heather King
Lessons Learned From This Election.......Neo-Neocon
Chopped Bok Choy and Steak Salad with Kalamata Dressing..........Marks Daily Apple
Jimmy Moore's n=1 experiments/Nutritional Ketosis.......Livin'La Vida Low Carb
Reality Doesn't Need to Win the Electoral College......Mark Steyn

May your day be one of rest and regeneration. Amen.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Let's stir the pot, shall we?

This is a post election reactionary venting space, and ideas about home and food, written from an unapologetically Catholic Christian perspective.  If you don't like it, it's probably because you've never tried it.  Food and cooking, politics, and in no small part the politics of food, are what we're about.  Amen.